Translation in progress.
Translation in progress.
Translation in progress.
Translation in progress.
Translation in progress.
Translation in progress.
\r\n— Veal — carcasses or cuts from animals slaughtered up to the age of 8 months. Carcass weight \r\nbetween 70 kg and 180 kg.\r\n— Beef — carcasses or cuts from animals slaughtered between 8 and 12 months of age. Carcass \r\nweight up to 240 kg.\r\n— Male or female bovine animal — carcasses or cuts from males or females slaughtered between the \r\nage of 12 and 30 months. Carcass weight of over 180 kg.\r\n— Cow — carcasses or cuts from female animals over the age of 30 months. Carcass weight of over \r\n220 kg.\r\n— Bull — carcass or pieces from male animals over the age of 30 months. Carcass weight up to \r\n220 kg.\r\n
Translation in progress.
Translation in progress.
Translation in progress.
Translation in progress.