Sabores do Vez – Fumeiro tradicional Unipessoal, Lda
MEDALHA DE BRONZE na 6.ª edição CN Alheiras Tradicionais Portuguesas em 2021 na categoria de ALHEIRAS
Enchidos com pão ou com farinha
Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
This product is made with Cachena beef (DOP), an autochthonous breed with its manor house in the region of Peneda, Arcos de Valdevez, chicken meat, smoked belly, sausage and condiments. Its filling is made with natural pig casing, giving it a characteristic appearance and a golden color.
The aim was to create a product that encompassed local raw material with particular focus on Cachena beef, an autochthonous breed with its house in the region of Peneda, Arcos de Valdevez, and on bread made specifically for this product so that it has a pleasant mix of meats and a low fat content.
The product should be consumed after cooking, and can be used in the following ways: in the oven (pre-heat the oven to 180⁰C and cook for approximately 15 minutes), fried (remove the casing and fry in very hot oil) and grill (place on the grill or on the grill until golden).
Pão de trigo
Carne de suíno
Carne de galinha
Banha de porco
Barriga de porco, salgada e seca
Vinho verde branco
Cachena's Beef
Conservar entre 0ºC e 5ºC.
Texto e fotos extraídos de, “Produtos Tradicionais Portugueses”, Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas, Secretaria de Estado do Desenvolvimento Rural, Direcção-Geral de Desenvolvimento Rural, Lisboa 2001, Coordenadora Geral – Ana Soeiro