


Carne de bovino




Tender, extremely succulent and very tasty meat obtained from animals of the Jarmelista bovine breed, registered in the Herd Book of the Breed, raised in a mountain region, in an extensive system where the minifundio predominates.


Linha de refrigerados e linha de congelados


As particularidades da Carne do Jarmelo são a resultante das características dos bovinos que se adaptaram e desenvolveram em sintonia com as condições edafo-climáticas existentes na região de origem, designadamente com a altitude e com a existência de alimentos disponíveis ao longo do ano, tomando inclusivamente o nome da região como nome da própria raça (raça Jarmelista) O resultado é uma carne tenra, muito suculenta e muito saborosa.


In the cattle arroyo of 1870 it was said: “… the Jarmelista breed is located in the former municipality of Jarmelo, which today is part of Guarda… This grace is without dispute not only the best in the district but perhaps the best in the country and I even dare say that it can rival many foreign races in many respects.” And he continued: “… don't judge Your Excellency that I exaggerate the good qualities of these animals… today there are still many pure individuals as a reservoir of the breed, which if they don't help them, they will soon disappear…” Later, in 1904 João Tierno stated “The vacum cattle ranch in Jarmello does not correspond to any intermediate form either; it seems to us, as will be said shortly, that it is not a sub-race, but a true independent ethnico group…”. This author also stated “… This autochthonous breed has been almost extinct in recent decades, but thanks to a group of people and organizations driven by the desire to make known and preserve the territorial heritage of the region, through its most differentiating elements, such as the meat of the Jarmelo, your extinction has been avoided.


O saber fazer está patente no regime de produção destes animais explorados numa região de montanha caracterizada por pastagens de altitude, com condições climáticas de grandes amplitudes térmicas. O sistema de exploração é extensivo, onde predomina o minifúndio. Os animais de raça Jarmelista são animais rústicos, perfeitamente adaptados a todas as condições desfavoráveis características da região onde se inserem. Os animais adultos alimentam-se directamente das pastagens naturais com fornecimento de forragens, aveia, centeio (palha e grão) e feno, em épocas adversas e de maior necessidade alimentar (por exemplo durante o Inverno ou nos períodos de gestação). Outros produtos agrícolas poderão contribuir para a alimentação dos animais, tais como o milho, o azevém, a luzerna, ervas e fenos dos lameiros ou ervas e arbustos espontâneos dos montes. Os animais jovens (até aos 8 meses de idade) são alimentados com leite materno, tendo também acesso ao pasto e forragens, nomeadamente aveia, centeio (palha e grão) e feno. As cobrições ocorrem naturalmente durante todo o ano, uma vez que os machos acompanham sempre a vacada.

Geographic production area



Suggestions for use

Tratando-se de uma carne muito saborosa deve ser cozinhada com a maior simplicidade.

Inside Color


Inside Consistency


Inside Succulence


Commercial presentation

A Carne do Jarmelo pode apresentar-se comercialmente em carcaças, meias-carcaças, quartos de carcaça ou em peças inteiras ou fatiadas ou, ainda, sob a forma de carne picada. As peças inteiras ou fatiadas ou a carne picada podem apresentar-se frescas, refrigeradas ou congeladas, mas sempre devidamente acondicionadas.



Very tasty and succulent meat, with a firm consistency and slightly moist, obtained from animals of the Mirandesa Breed raised in its original manor. The color ranges from light pink to light red, with white fat evenly distributed, with moderate intramuscular distribution in the steer. The muscle is fine-grained, with a firm, slightly moist consistency. It comes from Mirandesa breed cattle that have great bulk, with a brown color that darkens towards the ends. On the head, the protruding mottle stands out, covered with a tuft of golden hairs. Two parts of these carcasses that are protected by the Denomination of Origin have a particular reputation: the Posta and the Rodião, which can only be designated as “Mirandeses” if all legal rules and requirements are complied with.



Very tender, succulent meat obtained from the Marinhoa breed of cattle, which is characterised by its corpulence and long muzzle. The colour of Marinhoa meat varies from pale pink in veal to dark red in beef; it has a firm consistency, and is slightly moist and therefore succulent. The colour of the fat also varies between white and yellowish, depending on the age of the animal. The meat is sold as follows: — Veal — carcasses or cuts from animals slaughtered up to the age of 8 months. Carcass weight between 70 kg and 180 kg. — Beef — carcasses or cuts from animals slaughtered between 8 and 12 months of age. Carcass weight up to 240 kg. — Male or female bovine animal — carcasses or cuts from males or females slaughtered between the age of 12 and 30 months. Carcass weight of over 180 kg. — Cow — carcasses or cuts from female animals over the age of 30 months. Carcass weight of over 220 kg. — Bull — carcass or pieces from male animals over the age of 30 months. Carcass weight up to 220 kg.

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